Understanding Acupuncture Through Children's Books

Whether you're shopping for a child or looking for a good way into the world of acupuncture yourself, these children's books are worth checking out. Here are my takes on each of the children's books on acupuncture I've encountered so far:

For more info, visit www.acupuncturekidsbook.com

For more info, visit www.acupuncturekidsbook.com

Maya and Friends Visit the Acupuncturist

By Samara White, L.Ac. and illustrated by Troy White

Children's books have to streamline concepts and so are often unexpectedly helpful in explaining complicated ideas simply and clearly. This book has been a big hit in my waiting rooms and at health fairs. In it, a little girl named Maya wakes up with sniffles and sneezes, then listens to the advice of her friends, Ellie the Elephant and Bobby Bear, and goes with them to visit Dr. Meow. I love elephants so Ellie totally won me over (so cute when she gets cupping!). Dr. Meow also sends a very important message for children (and adults!) when she makes it very clear that nothing happens to your body without your consent. And how can you resist a teddy bear marveling at meridians?

This book offers simple explanations for qi, yin, yang, and herbs and moxa in addition to expectations for the patient experience. And it rhymes so you might find yourself recalling lines here and there.

Pro: The best overall explanation of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, fun to read out loud

Con: Some of the illustrations are a little uncanny

Verdict: If you only get one book, this one's my favorite overall.

My Visit to the Acupuncturist

By Stacey V. Leung and illustrated by Daniel Griffo

This bold and colorful book is so sweet! It focuses on how acupuncture can help kids (and, by extension, any patient) get back to their favorite activities and how sessions work so you don't have to be scared. A little boy injures his ankle playing soccer and just wants to get back to playing ball. He finds that acupuncture isn't scary and it helps him heal over a series of sessions.

"My Visit" is a nice complement to "Maya and Friends" that focuses on the patient experience and in general has nicer illustrations. A big bonus is seeing acupuncture in an integrative context: the doctor who examines the boy's X-ray is the one to tell him Jane (the acupuncturist) will help with "the swelling and pain" and her office is right next door to physical therapy (just like mine!).

Pro: Uncomplicated, a simple introduction to the patient experience of acupuncture, illustrates integrative care

Con: Doesn't talk about how acupuncture works

Verdict: If you (or your little one) are nervous about going to acupuncture, this one is probably the best for allaying fears. Also great focus on sports medicine. 

The Five: A Journey to Find a Home

By Dr. Coleen Smith and illustrated by Alaina Schreiner 

This colored pencil style volume is billed as a children's book, but instead I would recommend it for anyone beginning acupuncture school. I never got into Zoo Cards (a set of flashcards for learning Chinese herbs), but this feels like a similar tool. The book illustrates the five elements and their characteristics in a way that feels less like a story and more like an elaborate mnemonic device.

For example the story has Livgall the green-eyed monkey, Luli the white bird, Kibla the blue fish, Splesto the yellow lion, and Hearsi the red dragon search for the perfect environment to call home. Character names are not smoothed into something a character might be called but just direct combinations of the channel pairs (Livgall is Liver and Gall Bladder, Luli is Lung and Large Intestine, etc). The adjectives that describe the characters and their chosen environments align with the five element sounds, smells, cardinal directions, etc.

I could imagine finding this book useful in the beginning of school when there is so much information to take in and anything sweet and colorful is a helpful respite! Maybe even as a little treat when studying for California Licensing and National Board exams.

Pro: Detailed five element overview equals good study tool (there's even a chart in the back)

Con: More educational than enjoyable

Verdict: Great for first year acupuncture students or for board exam study! Probably not a kid favorite.

More to Read

Looking for recommendations for adult books on acupuncture?
Best Books for Learning About Acupuncture is the blog post for you.

Have I missed any acupuncture children's books that you know and love?
I love book recommendations so send me your suggestions!


Shawna Seth, L.Ac. is a California state licensed and nationally certified acupuncturist currently pursuing physician associate (PA) training. To better understand acupuncture and how you can use it in your daily life, and to explore the connections between Western and Eastern medicine, follow her blog A Cuppa Qi. She also invites connection via email contact@shawnaseth.com or Instagram @acuppaqi.

Header image: illustration by Troy White from "Maya and Friends Visit the Acupuncturist"